Essential Oils for Life!

Essential oils are a natural way to heal your skin. They are made from plants and have been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions. These oils can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil.  Essential oils are a great alternative to regular over the counter creams. The best part is that they are natural and do not have any of the harsh chemicals that regular creams have.

The benefits of essential oils include:

-They are natural and do not contain any chemicals that could irritate your skin.

-They can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent and help reduce redness and swelling in the skin.

-Essential oils have antibacterial properties which make them great for treating wounds, cuts, burns, and other injuries on the surface of the body.

My personal experience with essential oil has been quite a monumental one.  Over the last several years I’ve had a horrible skin condition that made my hands and feet peel and was incredibly painful.  I tried everything under the sun – prescriptions from doctors recommendations from friends and family and then I met someone when I moved to Puerto Rico.  

Shes was a sweet local Spanish girl, a flower child, that I met a local flea market.

We spoke about my issue with my hands and feet and she told me “I make oils from scratch with plants and herbs and flowers that I grow to help different conditions from mental to physical” – that was it.  She was so sincere and so real that I was sold.

That day she gave me a bottle that she made called Ratero oil, I looked it up later and found it is a powerful combination of 5 essential oils with antiseptic properties. It is known as a natural alternative that can help against the transmission of viruses, bacteria and fungi.  The ingredients are: cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary. So far so good.  I used what she gave me along with some rosehip oil (another suggestion from my flower child) and applied it everyday and night on my hands and feet as well as different pressure points for healing my physical problems as well as the inner body.  Within two weeks I saw my skin condition going away for the first time in 4 years.  As I mentioned earlier, these oils are for helpful both physical and mentally.  It also helped with my migraine headaches simply rubbing it on my temples made the pain fade away.  

She also had another oil mixture simply called Body oil.  She told me to use it all over my body to relax and moisturize dry skin.  She also said its great for your hair especially if you’re outdoors a lot, running around or at the beach.  This product was wonderful too – this girl was batting a 1000!  The ingredients are: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, calendula flowers, lavender oil, and the essential oils of: orange, peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary – it performed as billed!  The best part of this whole exercise is that I didn’t have to buy each ingredient by itself and figure out the “prescription.” 

Ok, can we talk about menopause?  Most women will say when we hit menopause it’s hits back much harder!  It can be frustrating in many ways – hot flashes, weight gain & lowered sex drive to name a few.  So I asked her is there something for that?  She then asked me to give her two weeks and she will make something for me.  Well she did and it was amazing!  She made an oil roll-on and told me to apply it under my nose and my inner for arm for smell – this was an aroma therapy that worked wonders. I found this fragrant mixture to be very helpful, increasing my sex drive and overall mental wellbeing.  The ingredients for this are: girasol oil, olive oil, ylang ylang, vanilla, ginger and cinnamon. 

In the end, I think that there is a lot to be said for essential oils and their amazing benefits.  It is worth looking at and learning about.  If you are interested in learning more or buying some of the products mentioned, send us a message and we will send you more information and a catalog to buy some of the products mentioned.